Apogee-PicDo you pay Georgia taxes? By giving to the Apogee Scholarship Fund, you can redirect a portion of your state tax liabilities to Veritas to provide financial aid for students, and you will receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for your gift.

A parent who made a donation through Apogee last year recently shared that Apogee is “… easy and beneficial with little cost or out of pocket money.

Designating your tax dollars to Veritas is easy!

To be pre-approved to make a donation through Apogee, go to www.apogeebase.com/donate, fill in your information, select Veritas Academy from the list of schools, enter the amount you wish to donate, and submit.

Because the yearly cap for donations will most certainly be met on January 1, 2017 the deadline to apply for pre-approval is December 15, 2016. Payment will not be due until February 2017.

For more information, please visit the links below:

Apogee Video

Apogee FAQ’s

Tax Scenarios – How Apogee Works