
Happy Reformation Day! Today marks the 499th anniversary of the start of the Reformation –the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church door at Wittenburg, Germany. It is a day worth remembering, regardless of your theological commitments. It is certainly THE day worth celebrating on October 31. This day started a historic debate and ongoing conversation about forms of worship, the authority of the church, and role of faith and works in salvation. I am thankful that Veritas Academy is rooted in the theology of the Reformation. It is important, essential, and encouraging to learn from and stand within our theological heritage. We all stand in a long line of godly men! Thank God for our history and heritage.

Veritas Academy is excited to launch the James 1:27 Fund, a special fund to provide tuition assistance scholarships for adopted children and children of widows(ers). Adoptive families and adopted children are very much a part of the Veritas family and, according to the Scriptures (see James 1:27), ministry to them is a crucial demonstration of our faith. Adoptive families make great sacrifices to give orphaned children a home of love and faith. This is one tangible way Veritas can serve these families and their children. The James 1:27 Fund was just approved by the board last week. We will have more details soon, but do pray that God would provide abundantly.

Finally, and speaking of homes of love and faith, let me direct you to two items that will challenge and encourage you as parents. DIY Parenting is a simple yet profound article on the basics of a great family life. The points in this article (e.g. “eat dinner together every night” and “model a love of great things”) are fundamental to your child’s godly upbringing and education. If you want to see your child benefit fully from a classical, Christian, and covenantal education and if you as parents wish to walk in genuine partnership with Veritas, then make these five practices a habit in your home. This article is from the ACCS magazine, The Classical Difference.

The second link is to a excellent list of Recommended Books for Training Children at The list includes books that you can read to your children in family devotions, books that children can read themselves, and books about parenting for parents to read. The list is not exhaustive, but it has both recent and classic titles. This is an extremely helpful list of resources. I was excited to see my all-time favorite, Shepherding a Child’s Heart, by Tedd Tripp –no Christian parent should be without it!